
Skype in Schools

Page history last edited by Melissa Edwards 14 years, 3 months ago


title lettering from Lettering Delights.com



Skype in Schools LiveBinder by Kelly Hines




  • Skype in Schools provides an educational directory of classes interested in skyping with other classes.  Teachers share the experiences they have had and post messages advertising the projects they want to do.  There are also lists of available guest speakers and the research supporting using Skype in the classroom. http://skypeinschools.pbworks.com/

Skype for Educators is a list of experts willing to skype into classrooms. On this google doc, you can find a list of names and contact information as well as what they feel comfortable speaking about to your class or school.

  • What a great way to bring people into your classroom that might not be able to get there any other way
  • Think of the experiences you can provide for your students
  • If you would be interested in adding your name to this list of willing individuals, please see this page:
  • "Are you an educator willing to share ideas through Skype? If you have a skill or expertise that you would like to share with educators around the world, or visit classroom to classroom, please input your information here. Examples: authors, illustrators, career visits, experts on history, sciences, math, etc. Please be sure to fill in all applicable form fields to assist users with narrowing down the expertise by topic."
  • Skype Other Classrooms is a page has been set up to help you make connections with classes in other countries who are interesting in having Skype conversations with other classes. You can contact each person by clicking on their name or using the information they’ve shared. 



Read about other teachers' experiences and the logistics of setting up Skype.


  • Skype-and-Tell Classroom Experience


     "Two kindergarten teachers in Charlotte, NC are now connecting with another kindergarten teacher from in Raleigh,    NC to allow their students to share their show and tell. The students eagerly come to the computer and share the clues about their secret item tucked into their little brown paper bags. Their peers watching and listening on the smartboards in both classrooms ask questions like "what letter does it start with?" or "does it rhyme with wagon?". Once they narrow it down, one student will approach the computer and triumphantly announce the answer. Both classrooms erupt with applause."


  • Skype an Author Network The mission of the Skype an Author Network is to provide K-12 teachers and librarians with a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits.


         (here is an article about using Skype to "meet" good authors:

         "Met Any Good Authors Lately? Classroom Visits Can  Happen Via Skype)



  • 50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom.

        http://www.teachingdegree.org/2009/06/30/50-awesome-ways-to-use-skype-in-the-  classroom/






  • Melissa's Bookmarks related to Skype (in delicious)



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